El Chauvinisto: Bad Mommy - NSFW
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bad Mommy - NSFW

Not only are these moms bad parents, they're whores too. Taken from here.

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  1. Holy mackeral. And, it's obvious they'll pass on this "lovely" behavior to the kids. No sense of respect for their own CHILDREN??? This is what is truly obscene. Again, El Chauvanisto, you show up the increasing slutiness as it's happening in society. I cannot imagine being the father of these children and seeing this on the internet. VictorianLady

  2. That makes me SICK to my stomach! What makes me even more sick is that those poor little babies don't even have a chance, not with mothers like that. I in no way condone violence, but in this case those self loathing sluts need to be slapped across their faces.

  3. Slapped across their faces? How about forcibly sterilized, instead? Fuck these bitches for making me think like a Nazi, jeez . . .
