El Chauvinisto: Contributing Writers Wanted!
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Monday, January 5, 2009

Contributing Writers Wanted!

Unfortunately I haven't been able to spend as much time as I would like making this blog everything It could be. Absolutely nothing is off limits for you on this site. So, if you're interested in getting your opinions heard, no matter how inflammatory, please consider becoming a contributing writer here at El Chauvinisto. To apply, simply use the contact page above and please use an accurate email address where you can be contacted, as further instructions will be sent via email. As always, your complete anonymity is safe with me. The First Amendment is respected here as well.

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  1. El Chauvinisto,

    I am waiting patiently for you guys to post that Tyra Banks episode. I recently moved to another country, and I don't have proper cable access. I'm dying to see him in action.


    Silver Dragon

  2. lies have you gotten? Im looking forward to more posts =)

  3. that last comment was meant to say

    How many replies have you gotten.

    geez, whod have thought I coulda stuffed that on up..

  4. Unfortunately not as many serious responses as I'd like. But, with a site like this i can't expect much.

  5. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xf1doj_chauvinist-treehouse-friends_news
