El Chauvinisto: Sharking in Japan
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Friday, August 17, 2007

Sharking in Japan

Check out the newest sharking post on El Chauvinisto by clicking here!

Check out the newest sharking post on El Chauvinisto by clicking here!

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  1. funny to watch but if they did it to ur women u wud fuckin annilate them well i would

  2. yea dude wtf that's not the video it's just some stupid shit to get us to download something. i bet you'll turn a profit too every time someone clicks your referral link. fucking jackoff.

  3. Hey moron, those are links to my forums...I get no money from this blog. And if you weren't fucking retarded, you'd see that the post has been updated with the full movie so you don't have to join the forums anymore. Get your head out of your ass and your hand off your cock before you decide to open your fucking mouth. Dumb fucker.

  4. this ain't even funny or entertaining you sick fucking bastard. you seriously find this entertaining? pulling down women's skirts and underwear in public? that's so fucking immature. dick, you are so fucking immature, i swear. you go around posting whiney rants about how much you think your so much better than women. what, did your beloved girlfriend break your tiny heart, and you couldn't stand it so to get even you make a website stating why men are better than women? seriously you fucking sick bastard ass licker, you are no better than those pussy licking feminists. these videos are low, even for you.

  5. You're one of the dumbest whores I've ever encountered on the internet. Why you think I'm Dick Masterson is beyond me. Go back to the kitchen where you belong.

  6. porque hay chicas qwue cuando les bajanm la ropa se rien? eso aun no lo pilla pero por lo demas muy bueno

  7. this is terrible! ....i wonder how you would feel if someone did this to your girl friend. shame on you!!

  8. I lol'd too, mainly because a lot of them actually are laughing

  9. keep posting this stuff it is hilfuckinglarious. fuck those frigid fuck nuts. you know they are watching and laughung.
