El Chauvinisto: Let’s end “rape” one whore at a time
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Let’s end “rape” one whore at a time

So I decided to use my man power to do some good! I plan on ending rape. Now while I was convinced rape was the unlawful carnal knowledge of a person, but luckily Dictionary.com corrected me.

“Rape- the unlawful compelling of a woman through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse”

So let me get this straight, men can’t be raped?

For all these years I believed men could get raped in prison… Glad to know I never have to worry about THAT again.


The funny thing about duress is it can also mean confusion. Isn’t confusion subjective? Wouldn’t that make rape subjective? Wouldn’t that make consent subjective?

Then it hit me! I FIGURED OUT HOW TO STOP RAPE (you’re welcome ladies).

At first I used to think it was only taking cases where a woman was held down against their will or drugged with a LEGIT DATE RAPE DRUG seriously, and dismiss all the stupid “I was really drunk off 2 Smirnoff’s and I’m such a victim BAAAAAAWWWWWWW!” cases.

I now realize I was expecting too much… That would require women to be responsible
for their own actions something that this article proved just can’t happen.


So what is my new solution? Simple, it ain’t rape if you’re consenting… Therefore if YOU get raped it’s YOU’RE fault 100% OF THE TIME for not consenting! (no exceptions)
Instead of complaining, just lay back and enjoy the ride.

This would not only end cases where women weren’t actually raped like in Kobe’s case (by the way, how do you rape a slut… You CAN’T rape the UN-RAPABLE!), but this would make all those women who feel dirty for being forced against their will to have sex to finally feel good about themselves by being able to tell themselves it was just really crappy rough sex.

This would also end bullshit cases where a husband “rapes” his wife. By the way, how can a MAN rape HIS PROPERTY? And yes, a woman is THE MAN’S property.

Need proof? What’s the last name of the bitch after she gets married?

As far as I can see, this is win/win/win/win. Men will no longer go to jail because they made the mistake of choosing the wrong slut to have a one night stand with, Women who get held down and forced against their will no longer have to feel dirty for being forced in to doing things they never wanted to do, It will help law enforcement from doing the hard task of sorting determining REAL rape cases from a stupid bitch with a vendetta trying to manipulate people, and it will make feminist no longer need to try and make women who say yes but then change their mind or do it to abuse the law, look like victims.


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  1. OMG, This is terrible there is seriously something wrong with you! Did your mom drop you on your head as a kid or are you just making up for having a small dick. Anyone who finds this filth funny is stupid.

  2. There them stupid femanist go agian with thier small dick rants, I'd be willing to bet money that the people who visit this site would score higher on an IQ test than people who watch Desperate House Wives

  3. You probably read "A Modest Proposal" (Jonathan Swift) and believed it was about eating babies.
    It doesn't matter.

    Look I'm trying to HELP women! I'm helping end rape for ALL WOMEN! If anything, I should be getting a God damn Nobel Peace Prize! Think of all the women across the world I will be helping. That is a lot more than I can PROMISE then you are doing to end rape.

    Look, I'm guessing you're a woman, so I don't expect you to understand cause That would require "brain power".
    UH-OH there I go using big words again. (I'll explain)

    "Brain Power" is sort of like your equivalent of Tits, except instead of having to use it on another man to get things done, We use it on ourselves to understand things as well as accomplish tasks.

    It's alot more affective than tits, but requires more "work."

    "Work" is that thing you are supposed to be doing at your job when you are not texting, surfing Myspace/facebook/twitter, trying to fuck that guy you work with, trying to fuck your boss for a promotion, filing fake sexual harassment suits, or complaining.

    so Let me explain the article.

    I am using my "brain power" in order to "work" towards ending rape by getting more women to give something called "Consent"

    "Consent" is that moment where you say yes to having sex and let him put his penis in you before you start to feel dirty because you remembered you have a boyfriend and file a "rape" charge.

    "Rape" is that excuse you use to get your boyfriend to not leave you after being a whore, get pity when not enough people are paying attention to you, want to get rich from a settlement with a celebrity, or not feel like a slut after everyone found out you got drunk and fucked some guy.

    See rape only occurs because women say there wasn't "consent". This would also get rid of "responsibilities" of the police department from having to arrest the men

    "responsibilities" are those things guys do when you get mad because they tell you they HAVE to do it instead of pay attention to you.

    anyways, if we got rid of "rape" through "consent" it would get rid of the "guilt" women feel for sending a guy to jail for years and years and years.

    "guilt" is that thing you pretend to have after being "raped"

    I'm sure you will understand now, but if you don't you can get a man to read it to you until you do.

  4. ahaha.. dude you´re the best :) elpup for president
