El Chauvinisto: Don't Get Married!!!
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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Don't Get Married!!!

If this isn't evidence enough...you're a lost soul.

Cross posted here.

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  1. Okay El Chauvinisto (what a name), what do YOU look like? I sincerely doubt that you're any Prince Charming, or Don Juan.

  2. Six foot tall. 195 lbs. 7% body fat. Need I say more?

  3. Yes, call yourself a fucking liar, which you most certainly are.

  4. I guess what they say is true. All women ARE PSYCHIC. You've got to be fucking kidding, bitch. You should get your heffing ass off the computer and on the treadmill. Go swallow some seed bitch, you might learn something about your place in society.

  5. Your little wee wee deserves to be "Bobbited", you worthless cocksucking moron! Maybe you should take your own advice and get your fat ass off the computer and get a life, you pathetic LOSER! The only place you have in society is being a huge boil on the ass of humanity.

  6. Nice comeback. Too bad women aren't creative though. At least you know how to type...maybe you should figure out your place and be a cliche whore secretary, like your mother. Another front-pager it is.

  7. Women are more creative than you are.
    Maybe you should figure out your place and dive head first off a tall building, preferably without a bungee cord or parachute, you asshole! Was your mother a cliche whore secretary?

  8. No, my mother didn't have to fuck/suck her way into the workforce. She knew her place, thus staying at home where she fufilled her duties of being a woman.
