El Chauvinisto: Problem with feminism
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Problem with feminism

Although he seems to be worried about "man hate;" I'm not. Why? Because there is only one thing that can counter "man hate" and that my friends is "woman hate," and guess what? "Women hatred" is my fucking specialty. I'm not worried about these feminazi whores...I'm worried about the manginas who will fall into their bleeding traps.

One last thing...the feminist conspiracy needs to DIE and I hope and pray the manginas who run the world don't let free men fall as a result of being brought up by the limp-wrist feminist-sympathetic propagandists who are ruining our chances at living in freedom. Fucking whores.

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  1. Here's an idea for you. Why don't you proponents of "woman hate" sequester yourselves on an island with all the man-hating feminists. Best case scenario, perhaps you manage to learn to appreciate each other's differences. Worst case scenario, you kill each other off. Either way it's a win/win for society.

  2. Well, "anonymous" you are a fag. And if you're a woman I'd like to remind you that your owner is probably looking for you and that you should either get back in the kitchen or (most likely) back into bed. Cunts nowadays.

  3. So you don't think that society would be better off without man-hating feminists and their counterparts (you)? Let's be honest, your both just flip sides of the same ugly coin.

    I do have a suggestion for your blog, though. Why don't you just post a disclaimer that readers are to assume that every three word you write are followed by either "cunt" or "fuck". Just imagine all the time that'd free up for you to think up additional clever rhetoric such as we've witnessed in your reply.

  4. I really wish you weren't such a whore anonymous (female). Society would be much better of if we could just get those feminist whores back in the kitchen and the bedroom where they belong. I have a suggestion for you as well. Take that dick out of your ass and put it in your sperm swallower because you are in great need of shutting the fuck up. We don't like your kind 'round here.
